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What The West May Learn From The East

The fact remains that we have not learned our lesson. And it may be that the spiritual teachings of Jesus would come home to us with greater power and a fresh sense of reality if we should consent to study the living example of a people of our own day who, in spite of laboratories, microscopes, and the survival of the fittest, have never for a moment suspected that the laws of matter could explain - or explain away - the self; and who, despite coal-mines, corporations, stocks, bonds, and oil wells, have never lost their calm faith that the spiritual life alone is of supreme value, and that in comparison with it wealth, fame, power, and pleasure are as the small dust of the balance. For the Indian knows that all these pass away, while for each of us the only eternally abiding thing is his own soul.

'What is the light of man?' was a question asked of the sage Yajnavalkya by a certain king some eight hundred years or more before Christ.

And, as one of the ancient Upanishads tells us, the sage at first gave the obvious reply: 'The sun, O King; for having the sun alone for his light man sits, moves about, does his work, and returns.'

But this did not satisfy the King, and he asked: 'When the sun is set, O Yajnavalkya, what is the light of man?'

And again the obvious answer was made: 'When the sun is set, then the moon is the light of man; for having the moon alone for his light man sits, moves about, does his work, and returns.'

'But when the sun is set, and the moon is set, what is the light of man?'

And once more Yajnavalkya answered, and this time quite in the spirit of modern applied science: 'When the sun is set, and the moon is set, then fire is the light of man; for having fire alone for his light man sits, moves about, does his work, and returns.'

But the recurring question came again: 'When the sun is set, and the moon is set, and the fire is gone out, what is the light of man?'

To this there is but one reply; and Yajnavalkya gave it last: -

'When the sun is set, and the moon is set, and the fire is gone out, the soul is the light of man.'

by Dr James Bissett Pratt

Bhagavat Gita ...

Hare Krishna Mantra

Gayatri Mantra

Aspects of Hinduism

Ancient Hindu Wisdom

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Mind Body Spirit Soul, Lessons From The East. Yoga, Meditation. Self-Improvement, Personal Development ...