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Meditation and Contemplation ...
Prabuddha Bharata

Again the hour is at hand. Day merges into the evening time. Everywhere without is quiet. Nature herself is at peace. And when nature is at peace, more peacefully does the soul retire into the inner chamber of the heart. More readily also. 

Let the senses and their activity subside. Life, as it is, is short; desire is rampant. Give at least some short time unto the Lord. He asks little, only this, that thou shall know thy Self; for verily, knowing thy Self, thou comes to know Him. For God and the Soul are One. Some say, "Remember, O Man, that thou art dust!" True, of the body! Even of the mind is it true! But the higher, the mightier, the truer, the holier revelation reads, "Remember, O Man, that thou art Soul!" 

"Indestructible and imperishable art thou alone, O Soul!" So speaks the Lord. All else wanes. How ever mighty the form, it perishes. Death and destruction are the lot of all form. Thought is subordinate to change. Personality is of the weaving of these - thought and form. Therefore, stand aside, O Soul. Remember thou art the Self beyond both thought and form. All virtue resides in this consciousness, "Thou art One with God." In this alone art thou immortal; in this alone art thou pure and holy. 

Try not to become the master. Thou art the master! There is no becoming for thee. Thou art, O soul! How ever sublime may seem "the process of becoming," the hour shall come when thou shall know, "Progress is in time" but "Perfection is within eternity." And thou art not of time. Thou art of eternity. 

Shall thou be a dreamer! Shall thou be bound forever in the bondage of dreams! "Arise! Awake, and stop not till the goal is reached!" 

So speaks the Lord in the silence - in the deep, deep Silence when only His Voice is audible. Hari! Om Tat Sat! "Go thou in Peace!" Beyond all, aye, even within all appearance of form reigns the Spirit. Its nature is Peace, Peace, Unutterable Peace!

Meditation 1

Meditation 3

Meditation 4

Hare Krishna Mantra

Gayatri Mantra

Ram Mantra, Rama Mantra ...

Aspects of Hinduism

From " The Song Celestial" - Bhagavad Gita

Ganesh Mantra

Mind Body Spirit Soul

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Meditation and Contemplation, Mind Body Spirit Soul, Using The Mind, Brain Power, Wisdom ...