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All rivers go to the ocean. Sanskrit

Who are the deafest? Those who listen not to good advice. Sanskrit

Mountains are beautiful at a distance, rugged when near. Sanskrit

A stone is rolled up a hill by great exertions, but is easily thrown down. Hitopadesha

A reasonable word should be received even from a child or parrot. Sanskrit

It is through God's shining that all else shines; by his lustre the universe is illuminated. Upanishad

The rivers, the flowers, the moon's phases disappear but return, not so youth. Katha Saritsagar

The storm may uproot the tree but not the mountain. Raghuvansi saying

The husband and wife must, like two wheels, support the chariot of domestic life, otherwise it will stop. 

Through Truth only the sun shines, on Truth the earth stands;
To speak the Truth is the highest duty, on Truth the heaven rests;
Though we weigh a million liars against Truth,
The Truth will outweigh the million. Markanda Purana 

By ignorance the soul is ruined ; when this is
removed, the soul shall shine forth as the sun
when the clouds disappear. Atmabodh

As their old garments men cast off, and new ones to
assume; So casts the soul its worn-out frame, 
and takes at once another form:

The weapon cannot pierce it through, 
nor wastes it the consuming fire;
The liquid waters melt it not, 
nor dries it up the parching wind;
Impenetrable and unburned; 
impermeable and undried :
Perpetual ever-wandering, 
firm, indissoluble, permanent,
invisible, unspeakable. Bhagavad Gita

More ancient wisdom from India ...

Man is man's enemy. 
Man is man's remedy. 

He who does not climb, will not fall 

If God orders you to pull, He will give 
you a rope; if He wants you to ride, He 
will provide transportation.

1 and 1 also makes 11

Contentment is great wealth

Why trouble to count the miles of a 
road you need not travel? 

To him who desires nothing, and does not mix himself up with them, the manifold changes of nature are one panorama of beauty and sublimity. Swami Vivekananda

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Mind Body Spirit Soul

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Wisdom From The East, Proverbs, Quotes and Sayings. Mind Body Spirit Soul ...